Monday, June 27, 2011

Wedding (nikah) ceremony in !!!

It is officially summer now and the schools are closed for summer break. I'd better get used to the sound of children playing in the pool and everywhere else in the city. I wonder what would the parents do to entertain them till they go back to school in mid-September. Mine has gone back 'home' and we'll follow suit in two weeks time.

As is common all over the world, this would be a good time to get married, if at all ha ha. Its sooo beautiful to see the summer brides in their white strapless, backless or cutout wedding gowns and in Istanbul......the designs are really breathtaking. Turkey is after all....a manufacturer of many things and wedding gowns are fantastic here. When Turkish do their wedding gown...grandeur and glamour will be the theme of the day. They will not settle for something less...a far cry from the classic and low-keyed design of Prince William's bride. Kate's design was timeless but......oh well, .......emm...! The grooms? Well...they're much different can they be , right? Only..I was wondering how are they going to survive the 30+C sweltering heat! Poor grooms....they can't have strapless or backless tuxedo, can they? Now..perhaps you'll understand why men make awful comments about getting married, they started off with sheer torture on the very first day. Poor men !!

the table has been waiting for the bride and groom to make their entrance....

right on they are, the bride has to handle the veil and 'train' herself. i guess it'll take months if not years for the groom to remember that he now has someone to 'look after'.....

the Mayor Rep. ( in red) conducting the nikah ceremony.... and you also get a vantage view of the videoman's ***
the four men to the left are witnesses. two each from the bride and groom side..

signing of the marriage contract and/or certificates......yes....marriage IS a contract !! 

...some prayers (grace) for the couple...

...all done...the groom had kissed the bride and they are officially husband and wife....congratulation !!!

some words of advice from the Rep. to the blushing bride....then..its all done, Bitti...and all in 15 mins !!!

a small photography session outside the hall...this is a small reception as the couple would normally have a bigger reception later. Our couple (host) are hosting a formal reception in Bursa the following week but we could not go as we are going 'home'.

couldn't resist taking photograph of this 'other' couple....they look so happy and gorgeous surrounded by their friends and relatives.....on average, two couples would be having their greetings and photography sessions simultaneously. 

if you got hungry during all these excitement, there's always a bufe (cafe) near you...and please pay for your own meal...the couple would not picking up any tab.....its their day today...

the handsome couple waiting to greet and thanks their guest.. 

note the big white ribbon on the bride's shoulder? that's for the guest to pin the gold coin as a gift to the couple...or you could just 'plonk' your coins into her white satin purse ....

..a guest pinning on a gold coin on the bride's ribbon....

guest waiting for their turns to collect the photo that they're buying....its almost instantaneous...

and they got it.... at TL7 a piece...mounted in a hard cover folder, courtesy of the town (city) council....

please help yourself to the souvenir (from the couple)....

a crystal potpourri cum fridge magnet 'evil eye'.........  

a photo booth for the other 'couple'.....

at the most...the whole event will take about 30 minutes before the couple speed off in their beautifully decorated car for more ceremonies at home or hotel.....its so efficient...its almost unbelievable.... 

The solemnization (nikah) ceremony takes place at the local council hall and being Turks, things was done very efficiently and on the dot timing. Due to the many weddings taking place, every couple (and his entourage) are given 15 mins. for the nikah.

When its time for 'your' ceremony, you and entourage will go into a 'mini theater' and watch (or witness) the ceremony being conducted on stage. The bride, groom, 4 witnesses and a mayor representative will take their places at the table (on decorated stage) and the mayor rep. will conduct the ceremony. After the bride and groom agreed to the matrimony, the registration books are signed by the couple as well as the witnesses (who had earlier on testified to the nikah). Then a few words of advice from the Mayor rep. and the ceremony is officially over whereby the groom lifted the veil off the bride and kissed her on both cheeks. Then everybody on stage hug each other. The ceremony being officially move out of the 'mini theater.

Outside..the couple would be ready...for greetings and  photography session with guests and well-wishers. Of course, you'll be queuing up to greet the couple and have your photograph taken. Every guests are photographed. There is a reason for this! You will then either clip real gold coin (with ribbon) on a large ribbon on the bride's shoulder or you drop it into her silk satin 'purse'. practical the Turks are.The gold coins would be handy during 'difficult' time and can be converted into cash easily. can't convert the toasters and pressure cookers into cash that quickly, could you? Now...that's what I call being practical.

At the end of the line, you'll see a high table with notebooks and printers. What are these? Well....remember during the good old days when you attended a friend's or relatives wedding? Remember how much you were looking forward to it and some would even tailor made or buy a special dresses or suit so that you'll look your best at wedding? Hey..granted, the bride and groom should be the best looking person at weddings but never underestimate the 'power' or 'opportunities' that one can get out of a wedding. Remember how you posed with the couple and hoped that they'll give you copies of the photos? In you really think that in between the honeymoon, the celebrations, the first quarrel with the in-laws and the euphoria, the newly wed would have time to send the photos to hundreds (if not thousands, as in my country) of the guests? Nah....unless you bring your own camera, you'll never get to see them photos, period.

So, the Turks....being  practical people, came out with this brilliant idea. The camera that took the shot of you are linked to the computer on the high table. These shots are then instantly printed, mounted in a nice hard cover and given to you if you chose to buy them. All these within 10 or 15 minutes of you being photographed with the couple. Brilliant, don't you think ?? I thought it least, I've never seen something like that...or have I been missing the invites to weddings recently??

After collecting the photos and souvenirs, in this case it was an 'evil eye' attached to a small potpourri which is also a fridge magnet. Why 'evil eye'? Its supposed to protect the couple from 'evil' things and also evil thoughts. So, the eye is not evil, rather..its a 3rd. eye to watch you over.

Now..I shall leave you with a "thought for the day". Something at the ceremony shocked me tremendously. If you looked at the photos of the ceremony, you'll notice that the person conducting the nikah is a lady ( and a beautiful one,too). She is wearing the official  cloak as how a Judge would wear the cloak at court session. I've been made to understand that she is also a Judge. And if you're wondering if there is anymore (religious) ceremony after this, I've been told that there is none. Even if someone wanted to have a religious ceremony, they will need to have 'this' certificate to carry it out.

Turkey is a secular country even though 98% of its populations are Muslim. As a point of comparison and a point to ponder, Saudi Arabia won't allow women to drive and there are no female Shariah judge in my country ( let alone conducting nikah ceremony). What a stark difference....and I wonder...........

Congratulation to Gokce and Kaan....may you have a wonderful life together and live happily ever after........amen !!

Footnote :

..the lovely couple and us....
noticed the sari (yellow) Manolo (Blahnik)?
got it at an Outlet Center in the Anatolian side (ladies, I'll tell you more later) 90% discount...
Carrie Bradshaw (Sex And The City) ..... eat your heart out !!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Childhood friend in Istanbul

Friendship....they say, last forever. And so should friends. But why do friends come and go and some even drop from your radar completely? Shouldn't  they too stick around forever as you would also like to do? Well...we tend to misinterpret and mistook friends to acquaintances. Acquaintances are plenty but friends are rare. Your office colleagues and social organisations colleagues are mostly acquaintances and very seldom will become true friends. You are just thrown into the same surroundings and situation and they won't care deeply for you as you would want them to be. 

True friends stick with you, through thick and thin and will never judge you. They'll love you for who you are, no matter how loud you snore or made a mess of her kitchen. They'll still accept you even if you were a horrible monster because they know deep down, you're simply a human being. And you...of her. You know you have a true friend when you know that you can tell her all your secrets without censoring any forbidden or sensitive parts. And I'm glad that i have at least one friend that fits that category. I know that I'd given up my boyfriend for her is she so wished. And we have been friend since we were 11 years old! And she was here during the weekend en-route from her conference. What a joy it was!    

She said that we are like 'cheese and chalk' and that we look so different that we could be from two different planet altogether! I always believe that opposite attracts and the best couple (husband and wife) are almost always miles apart in their character. and Gee, you could see that we are miles apart in both our character and thinking but we clicked so well that our friendship withstood for decades. I am so blessed to have this friendship and think she'll still be there when I'm old and ........whatever.

I won't write much of what we did as it would be tedious and 'not applicable' to some of you readers but suffice to say that we had a bomb of a time. Don't be fooled by her 'angelic' look 'cos this lady rocks ...and she is so much fun to be with and she packed more adventure and 'life' than half of you readers put together ha ha. As i said...we are so different that she filled in the void that i carry. If i hated being hassled at the Grand Bazaar....she speak ed to them and even taught them how to behave and not taunt the shoppers. There she was...teaching one guy (shop owner) how not to 'chase' their potential customers with their 'verbal' harassment (sales talk). And before I knew it..she was already teaching another shop owner how to say 'my darling' in my language. and the list went on and on. And not to mention her passion for cafes and coffees. While i would never think of spending an hour or two in cafes. For me, its 'go in the shop, eat, pay and leave'. What a chore! I'd never even bothered to look at the decor which she would examine with sheer admiration. See...didn't i tell you that we are so different?

Well....there is one thing that we finally have in common. And that is....agreeing that Istanbul is beautiful! And she'll make a return trip next year. Next year is a BIG year for us and I'll tell you all about it when and if it happened. Meanwhile, I'll let the PICTURE tell a thousand word and to reinforce my saying that Istanbul indeed is Magical !!!   

the tren that would take us to the 'old city' from Kabatas. its running at grade, in the middle of the existing road system, the dedicated lane ensures that the tren depart and arrive on time altho' sometimes its common for cars to be on the track

so...this explain why we missed the tren...Gee was supposed to keep an eye on the tren, not the camera..!

..notice the line (Q) to go into Hagia Sophia? its a Tourist month..till September...

there are 2 type of tourist. the "wanna see it all" and the "ok, i've taken the foto". thank God for the 2nd type...

in front of Hagia Sophia.....

ok..ok...that girl in white is gorgeous....and i still do not know what this is....its beside the Blue Mosque..too big for Sardivan ( an ablutation )

see the intricate detail underneath the dome, its beautiful...
sorry but the photo refused to be upright. see the man? he's trying to take the shoot with his iPad. i thought it look a bit odd, maybe i won't iPad after all....

the track for the tren going to (among other places) Grand Bazaar. we just walked from the Blue Mosque as we had to go to the  McD which was on the way so that we could 'borrow' their toilet (its cleaner) ...shhh.....

can you see the sign on the post...KAPALI CARSI? Thats 'covered bazaar' or the Grand Bazaar. this is the Camerlitas station. you turn right before the station and then left at the parking area. walk straight and you'll reach Gate 2 of the Grand Bazaar. Then you would be at the leather and gold alleys. Good Luck ! The ladies normally get stuck here. Notice the men on the big bikes? They're the traffic eh?

cars are normally not welcomed on the track except for taxis, buses and police cars...

stores just outside the Bazaar. i believe that these stores are cheaper than inside the Bazaar. but it all depends on your 'art of bargaining'. if you have the gift of the gab, you can practice them here...

my mantra....i'm just a tourist guide, i am not here to buy anything far so good ha ha...

not a good picture but the lamps are so colorful and wonderful. you must buy them for that corner in the house, at the patio, beside the dining room (so that guests can't see how horribly burnt your chicken is) or even the bathroom for a touch of romance (after hubby discovered how much you've spent !) 

nice ehh? they're like diamonds....cheaper than diamonds definitely....and more colorful....nice !! can you walk away and not buy anything ??

there...what did i tell you? its virtually impossible to walk away without customer down, millions more to go....

opps..sorry abt the eye,boy. but your potteries are great! these are either machine or hand-made potteries mostly from Kutahya. the more expensive version would come from Iznik and are mostly sought after and treasured. i have a phoenix design plate dating back in 1960's. the shop owner was not too happy to sell it to me as it was his display and masterpiece and was hanging on the roof of the shop and he had to climb up to get it. i always buy off display as they're usually the best in the shop.....  

Gee got a shopkeeper to show us this kebab shop. it was the best that i've ever had...near the Bazaar. you can choose either beef or lamb kebab which is put inside the 'durum'..thin white pita like bread. TL7 a piece and you get free smoke to top it all...skewers of beef and lamb are grilled to perfection here and best drowned with ayran (yogurt drink).

somebody blogged that this is one of the best leather shop, just outside the Grand Bazaar. i'm yet to check it out...basically because i've found a 'deri outlet' or leather outlet....its worth checking the outlet first before you buy from the usual shop.

the street just outside the Bazaar...

it was a few days before the election and the candidate was making his rounds at the Bazaar. its nice to see that there is no baby-holding but just plain hand-shake and flowers (carnations) are given away. Gee and i got a white carnation and i put it in my hair. notice the man (Kojak) drinking his tea? that is a common sight here. they'll sip their tea in the special tulip-shaped cup all the time, even while talking to their friends...all the time. oh and Erdogan won the election. seems that business people like him. he seems to bring in lots of trade and stability to Turkey...

with Gee and Sara..who is Sara? look out for my posting next week....i'll tell you a remarkable story of courage and determination...

the famous Taksim square. no tourist could claim to have gone to istanbul without visiting Taksim square. its the meeting points, the place to be, the place to be seen, the happening place etc. etc in istanbul. this is where you can catch glimpses of beautiful people. i used to tell people that...the old go to Grand Bazaar and the young go to Taksim square. i believe that people from all over the world, from all walks of life, throng this street...

the excitement starts from the moment you come out of this METRO (M) underground station..look at the people around you....they all have a story to tell...i'm sure !

Gee was cropped out of this photo,on her request...tho' i insisted there was no $$$ signs in her eyes! on Istiklal Caddessi...centuries old street with vintage tram (still running). can you see the track for the tram in the pavement? someday i'll show the photo of the tram when i get a good shot. my photo is not good enough to show the beauty of the tram. if there is one outdoor photo shoot that i would'll be in front of this vintage tram with vintage (period) costume complete with Mary Poppin's brolly. imagine having a wedding photo shoot'll be the day !!

old and young, funky and have them all on Istiklal Cadd.

french cafe..have not been inside but love the door..its so mystical..

inside Grand Bazaar....

notice how crowded the Bazaar is....don't forget..there are at least 4400 shops here... 

...another day with Sara....

trinkets and souvenirs at Grand Bazaar...

do you seriously think that you can get away without buying anything ? 

the ever friendly shopkeepers....see those glorious leather jackets ??

would you believe that they're leather...some are as soft as silk that you'll call them silk leather..

handbags made of kilim (turkish woven carpet) .... and scarves....inside the store, you'd find beautiful silk scarves to please even the toughest mom-in-law.....

this shopkeeper insisted that i took his photo at his i obliged....who knows, i might get some of those minks...NOT?

a short tren ride to Taksim from Kabatas. Its a very short 10 min ride underneath a tunnel but take note of the tren.something is different, can you spot it? ok ok....the men is reading, thats rare..but something else...the tren is either going upwards or downwards. order to give the commuters a smooth and comfortable ride, the coaches are designed at an inclination so that your floor is always horizontal and you are upright and not straining as when you were in a roller coaster.  technology at its best.....


Gee's favorite cafe......Ist is delicious,too...

we can't afford a smile anymore....and our wallets are lighter, Taksim Square
no...we didn't plan on wearing black but it was Gee's last day after all.....

bye Gee.........where ever you are.... GOD bless !!!!