Sunday, February 12, 2012

Çöp (Hande Yener)

3388..We Have Touched 3388 !!

Thank, we touched 3388 (actually its 3396 now) viewers and I want to give you readers and followers a little something to commemorate this achievement. But why this number? Well....I always believe that number 3 and 8 hold special significance to me,especially since I was born on 3rd. August. So, thank you for making this number special again today.

Thank You .....muah muah !!!

As my gratitude for all your support I would like to present here a Turkish singer who actually caught my eyes the first time I arrived here. Its true that I haven't a clue as to what she was singing about but it still is beautiful to my ears. Watch her perform and see if you agreed with me....I know..she's a bit too sexy but creative and captivating....Enjoy!!


READ MORE ON HANDE YENER have seen and heard her sang the song Cop. Actually, that was the first song that haunted  us when we first arrived in Istanbul. A year ago...that song could be heard the park, in the shopping centre, even while you were dining. It was only months later when we could eventually get the name of the singer and the title of the song.

Hande is a great singer and is beautiful and attractive and I'm sure that she'll be on top of the chart for years to come. Move over Beyonce.......finally, we have someone who should be seen and heard at the same time !!! Sorry guys...Beyonce can't sing...period !!

News Just In!

Whitney Houston has died! Its really a great loss to the world and such a shame that drugs could destroy someone so talented.

It was always a challenge when we went for karaoke to see who could sing Whitney's "I run to you" song the best. I can assure you...not many could achieve the high note. What great, powerful and beautiful vocal she had. What a crying shame !!

Rest In Peace, deserve a good rest.

HAPPY VALENTINE DAY....may everything beautiful happen to you on this Valentine.