Okay..he didn't actually crashed-landed but landed he did...today. A few years ago, Malaysia bought a few dozens Sukhoi fighter planes from Russia. As a gesture of goodwill (and gratitude), the Russian government offered to send one Malaysian off to space. To the International Space Station, to be exact! 400 km away from Mother Earth.
Subsequently, Malaysian citizens were offered and invited to apply for the chance to be the country's Astronaut. Out of a few thousand applicants, only one man managed to pass all the required physical, mental, intelligence,aptitude and attitude test.
The talk "12 Days In Space" was organised by TurkSat and The Istanbul Technical University. TurkSat is a service provider company and is very popular for satellite TV. |
The Organizers of the talk. Cok Tessekur Ederim..... |
Dr. Shiekh Muszaphar, Malaysian very own Astronaut... Sorry girls, he's spoken for. This dishy 39 year old Orthopedic Surgeon just got married 2 years ago, where many Astronauts from all over the world attended the wedding. He claims that he was never satisfied with whatever he has...and always looking for something new. He also claims to sleep only 4 or 5 hours a day because there are too many thing to do......really?? Doesn't the Mrs. mind? |
Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is an Orthopedic surgeon, a mercenary, a part-time model and a restaurant-er. The world was never enough for him. So, he decided to see and own the outer-space as well. And that was how I found myself seated in the "Earthquake and Disaster Management Engineering" Lecture theater of the Istanbul Technical University today. My embassy invited me to go and my friends prodded me to go though I was not interested initially. Hey..I'm an engineer, I prefer to have my two feet rooted and firm on ground earth. Besides..I didn't even know how to spell "astronaut", really!! Ok..ok....go take photos, shake his hand and go home and Blog about it. Besides...he's quite good-looking, eh? Simple enough, right?
Except that his presentation was quite good actually and it gets my attention. As so was the rest of the audience. The room was packed with students,lecturers , media people and of course...commoners like me. I think he was the right choice to be sent off to space. Apart from the technical and physique requirement, he also possess a certain enthusiasm, drive and charm and before long, you could see that he had the audience eating out of his hands. The audience were mesmerized by his 30 minute presentation. Another 30 mins. for the overwhelming Q&A. Followed by the packed photography session with the eager audiences. I had to take the photo with him, how else to prove to my friends and the Embassy that I went...ha ha.
All Astronauts have to go through vigorous and challenging routine, exercises and tests every day for almost 2 years. This include being subjected to near-zero oxygen condition whereby your body would have the tendency to black out. They were trained to breathe through their abdomen, just like how the singers did it. And he mentioned of the side effect of having his capillaries in his body bursting trying to compensate and to divert the blood and oxygen to the head. |
An astronaut is also subjected to a spinning chair (centrifuge effect) such that the body would be subjected to massive gravitational push which would go as high as 9Gs. Meaning...its like having 9 times of your weight crushing on your chest! A roller-coaster would impact a 1.5G, whereas an F1 racing car driver would have a 3Gs effect. One can sustain up to 16Gs so far..but who wants to know and find out? |
No....he's not crooning to this lady....he's delivering his talk. See what I meant about being charismatic? I can understand now why he was chosen. I believe its because he also has that X-Factor.....that would draw and attract the crowds to his presence. On top of that, he had to be physically fit. The eyes must be a perfect 6/6, the hearing is perfect and according to him "no fillings in the teeth and no scars or prior operations, no matter how minor". Why?? Because the fillings would rupture and the scars would also rupture under such extreme situation in space or in their capsule. Not to mention that their internal organs must be able to withstand all those extreme routines, exercises and actual space conditions. Hmm....at least we do know now that Dr. Muszaphar does not have any scar, wounds or fillings in his teeth. What kind of a man is he? Is he human at all? Why does God load up all the good thing into this one man? Aren't you curious? I am !! |
Unknown to many (outside Malaysia) he lost his brother while undergoing the training. But he never talked about it in the talk though he did touched a little on his family background. He also mentioned that the radiation in space is about 5 x of that of a chest X-Ray and hence, you will age very fast if you stayed in space. I think he has a point there because I saw that he was youthful in the videos taken during his space trip, almost boyish though he was 35 years old at that time. Ahh...see...I know there's a reason why I didn't like Space travel and all. |
With his fellow astronauts, the names of whom I can't recall anymore.... |
Do you know that while in space, your spinal ligament will stretch and lengthen by about 10cm (4 ins) or even 6 ins.?? Why ? Because there is no gravity to push you down and your ligament will be pulled to that effect. And most astronauts will experience back-pain since there is no support for your body. there are many more effects on the body and the body could deteriorate very fast if you did not work out and move your body,so they had to work out at least 2 hours a day.Unfortunately, your 'increase' in height will revert back to normal once you touch good old Mother earth. |
It started with a DREAM. He had always wanted to go to outer space ever since he was a young boy. Now..what's the odds of that happening, huh? Dreams are possible. But in order to achieve your dream, you must first have a dream...got it? |
He claims that he heard the Azan (Muslim's call for prayers) when he was about to leave the ISS and has become a better Muslim now as he felt that God chosed him for the mission for a purpose. He feels closer to God and has since started researching the Quran for his better understanding of God. From the 500+ Astronauts (in the world), there were 9 Muslims and he had intended his presentation to be a reference for other Muslims to follow when/if they went to space. Of course, few modifications had to be done. Like sticking to praying 5 times a day instead of 80 times due to their location..... |
Q&A session.....with simultaneous translation during the talk and Q&A. I could see that Turkey is ready for an Astronaut of their own. They already have their own satellites....what's sending a man to the space? I am sure that it will be just very soon! |
Qs : Would you go again, if given the chance?
Ans. : Yes, definitely...especially to Planet Mars...even if they gave me a one-way ticket.
Hmm....careful Doc, going by your luck, you might get what you asked for. Be careful with what you wished for, ok ? |
I had planned for a short interview with him after the talk but looking at the audience swarming around him, I took 5 and waited for my turn. It was a good day, it had been forecasted to snow or rain but neither happened. The turnout for the talk was very good and the Lecture Theater was full and over-spilled to the steps. Good thing I arrived early and got a vantage seat at the front. |
Finally got him to ourselves. Me and several Malaysian students who have come all the way from Bursa (2.5 hours away) to attend to the talk. I can now post this photo to my Embassy as proof that " I was there" he he...Its interesting to note that the students were actually under scholarship....from the Turkish Government!!! Thank you Mr Erdogan....these students are so lucky and I hope that they know it already. |
Yes....we Malaysian are a cheerful and happy lots.... What a great way to end a great day....Mr. Angkasawan, Hos Cakalin....Seni cok seviyorum !!! |
Frankly, I am proud that he is our Angkasawan (Astronaut) and he didn't fail to impress, even on foreign soil...Bravo Doc, Malaysia chosed a right Astronaut in you. I concur absolutely!!!! Now, let me write the salient points of the presentation, else I might forget the interesting facts and stories. I betcha...if your children had listened in to the presentation, they too...would wanna be an Astronaut. It's really that impressive except...aha....there's always a "but", yes? I wish he had used a different singer for his "Intro"....Ella is soo yesterday news...and the second song was just as 'distracting'. My 2-cents-worth, Doc.
As an added plus, I met 5 students from my country and 3 others each from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. It's good to talk to these students and I kinda miss lecturing those Engineering students when I was back in my country. In fact, when I entered the Univ. ground, I felt so excited and never realised how much I actually missed the academic life. Ohh...such noble profession.....
Come...let's explore the space with the good Doc, he was in space for 12 days but what a lifetime journey it was for him. He even mentioned during Q&A that he doesn't mind being sent to Planet Mars.....on a one-way ticket ! Oohhh....is the world still not enough for you, Doc ??
Who's that frizzie haired teenage girl that's looking all excited beside the astronaut?
Need you ask??
Yours truly, of course....:-)
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